Founder of the Group- Psychotherapy Psychodrama- Founder of Sociometry-Effect on Sociology, Psychotherapy in Groups and Theatre.

Born in Bukarest, he and his family moved to Vienna in the middle of the 1890s. 1925- 30 Years later- he left Vienna and went to America. There he realized and developed his ideas. He died 1974 in New York.

Moreno - Bad Vöslau  (© Stadtmuseum Bad Vöslau)The years he spent in Vienna and Lower Austria where important for his later woks and successes in America. He did Fantasy-Games with Kids in Parks, showed social obligation in helping refugees and prostitutes, was a writer and was leader of a improvisation- theatre group.

Through his study as a doctor he came to Lower Austria in 1915. As a student he spent some time in a camp for refugees in Mittendorf a. d. Fischa and after the First World War, he worked as a doctor until 1925 in Bad Vöslau. During his work he visited Vienna to do creative and theapeutic activities.

During this time he developed the third austrian method of Psychotherapy: Psychodrama, Sociometry and Psychotherapy in Groups. After his emigration to America, he spread his assumptions worldwide, as part of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (, where also Group-Analysts and Family-Therapists and people of the organized developmental field belong to. In 1969 he received the golden doctorate of the University of Vienna for his duties. In 1993 his urn was brought to Vienna by the Austrian Literature Society.

Jakob L. Moreno got a lot support from his jounger brother William (Wilhelm) - beginning during his time in Austria and also later in the USA. Joseph Moreno, son of William L. Moreno, wrote about the role of his father in the British Journal of Psychodrama and Sociodrama: > Article: "The Deeds of My Father: William L. Moreno" by Joseph Moreno. British Journal of Psychodrama and Sociodrama, Vol 21, Number 1, pp. 37-45

Autobiographie J.L.MorenoJacob L. Moreno, Auszüge aus der Autobiographie
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O öffne Dich,
Dem der dich schuf.

Köstliche Gaben
Bringe ich dir.

Feurige Kräuter,
Traumdunkles Grün,
Mondweiße Stämme
im Wald.

Auf Deinem Hügel
Steinernes Haus,
Reiser und Hecken
Voll Most.

Aus: Testament
des Vaters,
J.L.Moreno, 1922

S. 106/107

J. L. Morenos Wirken in Bad Vöslau
Eröffnung einer Erinnerungsvitrine im Stadtmuseum Bad Vöslau
Samstag, 11. Mai 2013, 15.00
Stadtmuseum Bad Vöslau. Bericht ...



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